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PdC council hears proposal to reduce citywide cleanup to once a year

Public info meeting may be set for flood mitigation project

By Correne Martin

Prairie du Chien Mayor Dave Hemmer had to cast his vote to break a 5-5 tie from Tuesday night’s common council discussion regarding changes to the biannual citywide cleanup. The public works committee recommended to the council that cleanup events be reduced from twice a year to once a year and a fee-based tag/ticket system be implemented for removal of larger items.


Wauzeka comes together for veterans memorial

Braving the cold and the snow to present the future site of the Wauzeka Area Veterans Memorial are (from left) Lorinda and Roddy Dull, of Eternal Art Monument Company, Boscobel; Mike Bassett, who donated the land for the memorial; Joanne Peloch, veterans memorial committee member; and Suzette Ray, Wauzeka Legion Auxiliary member. Missing are committee members Kathleen Kramer and Deb McCarthy as well as Tina Bassett. (Photo by Correne Martin)

This bronze, fiberglass eagle statue was created by Sculptor David Oswald, of Sparta. It will serve as the centerpiece of the new memorial. It is currently in storage.

Shown is an architectural drawing of what the completed Wauzeka Area Veterans Memorial will look like.

By Correne Martin

To honor the brave in this “Land of the Free,” a Wauzeka committee is in full planning and fundraising mode for a veterans memorial to be erected near the intersection of McCloskey Avenue and Highway 60, across from Bassett Trucking. Plenty of fundraising remains toward the $86,000 goal, but land has been donated, a sign acknowledging the memorial site has been erected and other monetary donations are flowing in.

The veterans memorial project started about two years ago. A number of Legion, Auxiliary and community members felt strongly that Wauzeka needed an updated memorial and site. They wanted it to become a location where hometown citizens and visitors could reflect, appreciate and honor those veterans who have and continue to serve in the United States Armed Forces.


‘Come Hell or High Water’ shown at old Metro Theatre

By Correne Martin

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the flood of April 1965, the Prairie du Chien Historical Society will present “Come Hell or High Water” at the Metro Theatre (inside Kramer Auction Service, 203 E. Blackhawk Ave.) in Prairie du Chien. The film will be shown at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 8. Pop and popcorn will be available.

“Come Hell or High Water” originally aired on PBS after the historic flood of 1965. Through the first-hand accounts of then-Prairie du Chien residents, the film relives the major flood and its affects on the community, particularly the old Fourth Ward (St. Feriole Island), which was relocated in the 1970s.

“Some of the people who lived on the island explained what it was like growing up there and how hard it was to move,” said Bob Ziel, member of the Prairie du Chien Historical Society. “There’s a lot of talk about the river and the high water. There are clips from the island and some of the mess left behind.”


Three-quarters of a million raised at Eagles Telethon

Pictured are Hosts Dan Moris (left) and Tom Nelson (right) talking to singer April (Tesar) Bouzek about her friend and one-time performing partner, the late Danny Ruehlow, who was an emcee on the telethon before he passed away in 2000. Bouzek has been performing at the telethon since she was 5 years old.

Also pictured, Bob Sebastian has been associated with the telethon since the beginning. He has counted every dollar of the donations over four decades, and proudly pointed to the $750,000 mark, late in the night. For more photos, see page 4, visit pdccourier.com or find Courier Press Newspaper on Facebook.

Caricaturist John Mundt, of Prairie du Chien, helped raise funds again this year by drawing imitations of the people attending the telethon, as well as this friendly dog, Skittles.

Steve Cash (left), of Gundersen Clinic Research Center, appeared in person on the live telethon to share appreciation from his organization for all that the Eagles Heart and Cancer Telethon has helped Gundersen to accomplish over the years. He is shown with Host Tom Stram.

From left: Joyce Czajkowski, Deb Wachter and Mary Antoine, of the Women’s Civic Club, answered phones for hour one of the telethon. Antoine has been doing this duty for three years and she said the first hour this year was the busiest she’s experienced.

Isaac Sweet, of Guttenberg, sang and played several ballads for the telethon audience.

Gretchen Faulkner, who rarely misses a live telethon, picks out some goodies from the Boy Scout food stand. Tending to her are Scouts (front row, from left) Ethan Gramlich, Adam Chase; (back row) Jason Johnson and Jayden Johnson.

Host Tom Nelson accepts a $500 donation on-air from Cheryl and Pinkie from Lady Luck Casino of Marquette, Iowa.

96th Assembly Rep. Lee Nerison presented the Eagles Heart and Cancer Telethon with a governor’s proclamation recognizing the fundraising event’s 40 years.

The Eagles Club mascot appeared on the live broadcast with members as well as (pictured) Host Natalie Stram.

Eagle Paul White spoke about being a part of the telethon for 40 years.

A yearly record of $40,003 was raised by the end of the Eagles Heart and Cancer Telethon Saturday night in Prairie du Chien, pushing the total over $750,000 for the past 40 years of this community fundraiser. Telethon organizers are still accepting donations, which can be made at eaglestelethon.org (click on the red “donate” button).

(Photos by Correne Martin and Randy Paske)


Seneca-WS Co-op Football Team

Wauzeka-Steuben and Seneca will not be competing against each other in football for the next two seasons. The two teams will be combined into one for the benefit of all. (Courier Press file photo)


Seneca, Wauzeka-Steuben to have co-op football team

By Ted Pennekamp


Due to low numbers of football players at each school, Seneca and Wauzeka-Steuben high schools will combine their football programs to form a co-op team. The co-op team will commence in the fall of 2015 and run for two seasons.


Too many stray cats a concern

Tammi, an adult female tabby cat, is just one of the friendly felines Crawford Area Shelter for Animals took in last fall. According to Dhjana Franson, of CASA, Tammi is still available for adoption. For more information about her, visit her Petfinder page: https://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/28889271/.

Crisse Reynolds is Crawford County’s first state-certified humane officer, appointed by the county board in October. She, along with a number of area resources, have been working together to decrease the overpopulation of stray and feral cats in the county.

Professionals push spaying, neutering

By Correne Martin

The overpopulation of stray and feral cats in Crawford County has led to frustration and concern for residents, veterinary clinics and county officials. Unprecedented numbers of unwanted cats are being taken in by the Crawford Area Shelter for Animals (CASA), local vet clinics and sympathetic volunteers connected to the Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter (RABAS) effort. Though such havens are overcrowded and underfunded for these in-kind services, each resource is determined to work where it can toward lessening this public nuisance and providing avenues through which the public can help as well.


65th Annual Ice Fisheree Feb. 7-8

One never knows what the big catch will be at the annual Ice Fisheree. (Courier Press file photo)

This Coleman Outfitter 700 Utility Vehicle is the top raffle prize for the 65th Annual Prairie du Chien Ice Fisheree to be held on Feb. 7-8. The top prize can be viewed and raffle tickets purchased at Zinkle’s Piggly Wiggly.

The 65th Annual Prairie du Chien Ice Fisheree will be held Feb. 7 and 8 with headquarters at Lakeview Marina Bar.

Fishing is open to bodies of water in the Prairie du Chien area, with concentration on Gremore Lake. Fishing will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday with weigh-ins from 9 a.m.  to 6 p.m. Fishing on Sunday will be 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with weigh-ins from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Raffle drawings and door prize drawings will be held on Sunday beginning at 2 p.m. (need not be present to win).

A euchre tournament will be held at the Lakeview Marina Bar from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 6. A gun raffle will be held all weekend at the Lakeview.

Registration and raffle tickets will be available at the Prairie du Chien Area Chamber Office, Lakeview Bar, Stark’s Sports Shop and Zinkle’s Piggly Wiggly. Raffle tickets are also available at several locations throughout Prairie du Chien and from the Jaycees and American Legion Baseball representatives.


Ruck march raises PTSD awareness

Wisconsin Winter Ruck March and Polar Plunge participants included (front row, from left) Matteline Benoit, Scott Kolp, Gunner the dog, Joe Fridley, Herb Raasch, Jake Beiber, Kent Stark, Lloyd Seawright II, Scott MaCallister; (back row) Sarah King, Amanda Peters, Joe Carey, Mandy Jean, David Peters, J.P. Neugerber, Erin Caroline, Dan Borchers, Travis Birr, Sean Dekok, Matt Birr, Dallas Crawford and Brian Kerkow.

By Correne Martin

About 25 individuals participated in the first ever Wisconsin Winter Ruck March and Polar Plunge in Millville Jan. 10.

According to Organizer Kent Stark, of Prairie du Chien, 19 participants finished the six-mile march through Grant County’s hills and bluffs and six plunged into the icy waters of the Wisconsin River at the Millville Boat Landing.

“It was a wonderful turnout. A number of people who’ve battled post-traumatic stress disorder showed up and marched shoulder-to-shoulder with their fellow men,” Stark said. “Plus, we raised awareness and that’s what we set out to do.”


Bull riding in Seneca

These are just a few of the bucking bulls on the Curt Check property near Seneca. The top bucking bull of the group is second from the left.


Cowboy’s Arena holds bull riding on Saturday nights

By Ted Pennekamp


Cowboys, cowgirls and spectators have been having a great time in recent years at bull riding events at the Cowboy’s Arena near Seneca. The bull rides are held every Saturday night beginning at 7:30 p.m. from September through May.


Community invited to ‘Shoot for a Cure’ games in support of Carl Shedivy

During his bone marrow transplant, Carl Shedivy, a Prairie du Chien native, received new stem cells, which flowed through an IV into his body. Everything went according to plan during his November transplant, but he still has a long road ahead of him. Carl is pictured with his wife, Denise, and children, Dan and Elise, the day of the transplant. (Submitted photo)

By Correne Martin

The Prairie du Chien High School boys and girls basketball teams are gearing up to Shoot for a Cure on Saturday, Jan. 31 and create greater leukemia awareness in honor of one of Prairie du Chien’s own, Carl Shedivy.

Shedivy, a 1979 graduate of Prairie du Chien and a member of the school’s all-athlete Hall of Fame, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in July of 2014. He lives in La Crosse with his wife Denise (Schauff, also a Prairie du Chien native), and works as an engineer for Trane. He has received a bone marrow transplant and is working toward recovery.

“He’s at day 68. We’re hoping he can make it to day 100,” stated his sister-in-law Paula Shedivy, girls basketball coach and PdC teacher. “He is making some strides. He’s really hoping to make the games on the 31st.”
